文/安德鲁·j. CONCATELLI  

照片由helder mira提供  

From across 博彩平台网址大全’s Main Quad, a gleaming new sign beckons.  

Inside, seating in the balcony offers a respite from the busy world. 

巨大的金色幕布在37 × 16英尺的屏幕上升起,投影图像闪烁着生命,电影开始播放. 

这是独立电影宫殿Cinestudio,今年庆祝成立50周年. 以及无畏的创始人, 热心的学生志愿者, 热情的赞助人, 没有其他地方像它一样.  

I don’t think they quite understood what we had planned” 

Entering an unmarked door in a hallway of the Clement Chemistry Building, James Hanley ’72 climbs the narrow staircase up to Cinestudio’s projection booth, as he’s done countless times over the last 50 years. “这是我们第一次进入展位,不得不把门的铰链取下来,他说.  

In 1969, 三一电影协会的学生——汉利和他的电影工作室联合创始人彼得·麦克莫里斯都是该协会的热心成员——在发现自己没有放映场地后,获得了化学系的许可,在化学实验室礼堂放映电影. “I don’t think they quite understood what we had planned,汉利说。 带着笑容. The problem was, nobody had a key to the booth, which had fallen into disuse.  

We went at 2:00 in the morning 和 got in there. We found two 35mm projectors from the 1930s, when the building went up,汉利说。. “很快, 学生们把床单挂起来作为临时的屏幕,因为我们正在为一个既为学生服务又为社区服务的剧院做准备. 当时, there was such a whirlwind of activity here on campus, 这件事有了它自己的生命.” 

The first public screening on February 16, 1970, was a double feature of 黄色潜水艇爱丽丝的餐厅, for which the Film Society’s faculty adviser, Lawrence “Larry” Stires of the Modern Languages Department, put up $500 of his own money to secure the public rights. “连续一周,我们每晚的门票都卖光了. We even turned away lots of people,汉利说。. “We put on a big picture with really good sound, 和 we always have; it just was the ethos of the place. We hit at the right time 和 the right place.” 

McMorris补充道, “Trinity was going through huge changes in that time, 从一所大学转到另一所大学. We were part of that change, part of the new. This space provided us a venue to express ourselves. Even today, if there’s a film out there that needs to be seen, we will show it.” 

At first, the student-run organization was met with trepidation by some on campus. “有一些保守的教员对我们感到不安,”汉利说. “We were showing some political things. It wasn’t just entertainment; we were showing films that were enlightening people. And we did things that shocked people, like painting the lobby red. But [former Trinity President] Ted Lockwood [’48, [81届]是我们的伟大支持者,[前博彩平台网址大全副校长]汤姆·史密斯[44届], H’88] went to bat for us over our freedom of speech.” 

在接下来的50年里, Cinestudio在承担历史使命的同时,也接受了技术的进步, 回归老电影片名, preserving a vital legacy of the past, 并将电影完全按照最初的方式呈现给不断出现的新观众,同时保持对其独立起源的忠诚.  

汉利和麦克莫里斯一开始做其他工作,并无偿经营Cinestudio多年. “Everybody was doing it for the love of it,汉利说。, “但在某种程度上,学生和校友希望有一个更永久的结构,所以他们知道Cinestudio将继续为未来的学生服务。. 第一阶段(大约在80年代末)是雇佣我们和拉里·斯特雷斯——我们的薪水并不高——我们提供了持续的存在和领导.” Interest from donors in making tax-deductible donations directly to Cinestudio, 而不是通过博彩平台网址大全的基金, led to its establishment as a 非营利组织 501c3 organization in 2005.  

今天, 该场馆拥有约450个新座位,于2018年安装,配备了传奇的杜比音响系统和最先进的数字投影仪, while retaining its 35mm 和 70mm film projectors for classic movie presentations.  

“It’s hard to describe this place,” McMorris says. “我每年都会学到一些新东西. It’s an industry that is changing constantly, 让这个地方继续下去, you have to anticipate those changes 和 make adjustments.” 

汉利补充道, “当我们刚开始的时候, one of our goals was to show films in a much better setting than most theaters, 具有很高的技术质量. Over the years, we’ve been able to not only maintain that but enhance it.” 

“Students have gotten their education at Cinestudio” 

今天,除了作为一个向公众开放的艺术电影院外,cinestudio也是学院学术和社会世界的一部分, 与教师, 工作人员, 和 students all taking advantage of a special facility in the heart of campus. “Cinestudio has been the ground on which we’ve built the film program,” says Associate Professor of English Prakash Younger, 他是博彩平台网址大全电影研究跨学科项目的主任,也是Cinestudio董事会成员. “We see film as a lens into everything. 我们的课程中包括哲学、政治学和古典研究课程。.  

米拉C里吉奥,詹姆斯J. 古德温英语教授, 荣誉退职的, 他帮助博彩平台网址大全创建了电影研究项目,现在担任Cinestudio董事会秘书, taught several film courses that made use of the theater. “I taught ‘Film Noir’ 和 ‘The Western Film,’ among other courses. James [Hanley] 和 I taught a first-year seminar in Cinestudio, 我们在哪里上课, 专注于电影工作室放映的电影,她说。.  

Younger adds, “Students have gotten their education at Cinestudio. 我参加了该校第一年开设的一门非常特别的课程,名为“通过电影思考”,这有助于加强Cinestudio与学术课程之间的联系.” 

Cinestudio在Trinity和Hartford社区之间也建立了联系. “With Cinestudio as such an independent placethough very much supported by the collegeit’s a portal into the broader culture outside of the campus,” Younger says. “就质量而言,它确实是该地区的一颗宝石,来自博彩平台网址大全和社区的几代人都享受到了这一点。. Watching a movie there is like nothing else.” 

The theater hosts regular daily screenings 和 special film festivals, including the “Reel Youth Hartford Film Festival” for local high school 和 middle school students; the “Connecticut LGBTQ Film Festival,” founded at Cinestudio in 1988 和 presented by Out Film CT; 和 the “April in Paris [French] Film Festival,由…组织 Trinity’s Department of Language 和 Culture Studies. Cinestudio还放映莫斯科大剧院芭蕾舞团和伦敦皇家歌剧院和国家剧院的现场活动. 

三一电影节(TFF), held at Cinestudio each spring since 2012, 是否有一个平台可以让来自全国各地的大学生电影人联网,并在大银幕上看到他们的电影. 12岁的约翰·迈克尔·梅森, M’14, 现在是博彩平台网址大全的首席田径教练和Cinestudio的董事会主席, 作为一名本科生创办了TFF. “Cinestudio was one of the reasons I chose to attend Trinity,他说. “在电影院与其他人一起看电影是一种完全不同的体验,比在自己家里看电影更好, 在电脑上, 或者在电话里. 它的公共方面, 黑暗中, 和 the clarity of image 和 sound are all things Cinestudio holds paramount, unlike any theater I’ve ever experienced.” 

与汉利, McMorris, 和 two part-time projectionists as the only paid 工作人员, Cinestudio is run largely by student volunteers. 克莱尔·普里查德,20岁, who is double majoring in biochemistry 和 theater 和 dance, serves as Cinestudio’s lead student volunteer coordinator. “Cinestudio是一个令人惊叹的场所,它让人们意识到电影院仍然生机勃勃,普里查德说, an Elizabeth Elting ’87 Bantam Bold 1823 Scholar. “I’ve learned a lot about working on teams, 通信, 宣传, 并且能够推销任何东西.学生志愿者每月都会在一个周五的晚上安排“月光电影”系列节目. Sponsored by the college’s Office of Student Activities, Involvement & 领导的.A.I.L.), these movies are funded so they are free to students with a Trinity ID. “We try to make it as accessible as possible for students,” Pritchard says. 

汉利补充道:“这是 这是一个非常罕见的组合 大学校园要有 非营利组织 电影院对公众开放, with students who actually manage it 和 also are a part of its future.”   

“Cinestudio will continue as an integral part of the campus” 

庆祝其成立50周年, Cinestudio将于2月22日为这两部电影举办特别放映, 爱丽丝的餐厅黄色潜水艇. Cinestudio的校友和过去的志愿者也将被邀请参加5月2日与今年的TFF同时举行的招待会. 这次聚会将是对所有帮助该组织在头50年取得成功的人的表彰. 

“I can’t say that I’ve ever regretted it for a minute,汉利说。. “它始于学生的动力,并一直以学生为中心. I’m very optimistic that Cinestudio will continue as an integral part of the campus.”  

汉利和麦克莫里斯开始考虑在未来几年从Cinestudio的执行董事职位上退休, plans are being made to ensure that the organization they created will go on.  

“从很多方面来说,50周年纪念是对詹姆斯和彼得过去50年所做的一切的庆祝,梅森说。. “作为一个董事会,我们正在努力工作,让自己能够在接下来的50年里延续这一传统. Cinestudio之所以能够存在和发展,是因为博彩平台网址大全是一个支持有创造力的人的地方, where there’s a larger community outside of the college, 在那里,学生们有足够的空间和鼓励去实现他们的梦想,并把它们变成现实.”